الأربعاء، 17 سبتمبر 2014

Can you live like a bird?

Two hours ago I was watching a bird while smoking my morning cigarette in the smoking area at my office,the bird was flying next to the window and my mind was flying with him... I tried to understand how he/she feels, really I don't know if he/she is a happy bird or a sad bird or even if he/she feels anything! .... 

Then, I started to think about the bird's mentality ... what if this bird was caught and placed in a cage and then moved to another country or continent and someone let him fly freely again? 

The bird will start a new life right?! He/she will not stop singing , will not be depressed nor will lose hope and will definitely survive ... 

Now... think about it, what if we placed a person in a cage and moved him/her to another place. how this person will act? Maybe he/she will be anxious, sad, depressed or maybe not... but definitely he/she won't feel comfortable at least at the beginning...   

We all know that human beings are more intelligent than birds, however, it is hard for us to act like a bird sometimes ... I don't want to tell you what I learnt from bird watching but I want to ask you:

can you live like a bird?  

الثلاثاء، 28 يناير 2014

كلمتين من زمان بدي أحكيهم ... بدون زعل

خلال هالأسبوعين كثر الحديث عن تطوير ودعم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطه ... (نعم زي ما تقولوا كأنها موضه) ... طبعا ومن أهم التحديات الي بتواجه أي شخص عنده شركة صغيرة هو موضوع التمويل ... البنوك ما بتقرض الشركات الصغيرة والريادين وشركات الإقراض أغلبها بتركز على المشاريع المايكرويه ( واحد بده يفتح دكانه ... وحده بدها تشتري ماكنة خياطه ... طبعا وبنتهي الموضوع بأن جوزها بياخد فلوس ماكنة الخياطه وبتجوز فيهم ... و ايضا فوائدهم أعلى من البنوك (بالعاده)) ...ما علينا... المهم ... في كل الورشات الي حضرتها و شاركت فيها لم أسمع السبب الرئيسي للمشكله (ليش البنك ما بقرض) ... جواب السؤال معروف لكن ماحدا بحب يسمع الحقيقة المرة ... و الجواب هو أن الشعب الأردني شعب غير ريادي ...

نعم و للأسف الشعب الأردني ما بحب يخاطر ، بحب الوظيفه ، بحب الرزقه السهلة وهذا ما نربي أبنائنا عليه ... "العب عل مضمون" ... يا أخي ما المضمون إشي بخزي ... حتى ولو ...
هل تعتقد أن موظف البنك الي هو أصلا "موظف" بده يقتنع إنه يقرض شخص بده يفتح مشروع ؟!
الموضوع أخطر مما تتخيل ... اليوم أنت بتربي إبنك/بنتك إنه ما يحاول ويدور على وظيفه وبكرا هذا الفكر سيتحول وفعليا هو بدأ يتحول لفكر "بدي كل اشي جاهز" ... عدم تشجيع الشباب على المحاولة والابتكار هو قتل لأفكارهم وتجميد لعقولهم .... أنت حر كيف بدك تعيش وكيف عشت لكن لا تفرض أسلوب حياتك على أولادك وعلى من حولك ... إذا لم ننجح بخلق فرص عمل جديده ستزيد البطاله و بتخيل الجميع بعرف شو يعني بطاله وفراغ وكلنا شايفين كيف المجتمع (الا من رحم ربي) ينحدر اخلاقيا وإقتصاديا ...

بالنهاية ...نصيحتي لكل الشباب ... الشغل مش عيب والحياة بتعيشها مرة وحده فإشتغل إشي بتحبه ... و الله الي برزق والله يوفقكم

الثلاثاء، 21 يناير 2014

A letter to my son

Dear Son,

I love you & you know that but I have to say it again and again... you are my only source of joy & happiness ... when I see you I feel proud and blessed (Al-Hamdulelah) ,... I know that you won't be able to read my letter now but one day, Im sure, you will need  it...

My love...this life is all about being strong, you should be strong and you have no other option.. for me, I will work hard to leave you a better environment , just as what my father did to me, I do and will be always working hard for you and for our country & our nation .... yes my son... you have to think of the country and the nation ... the Arabs lost their power just when they start to put their personal benefits first ...

My son... life is full of uncertainties, contradictions, similarities, happiness, sadness, fear, joy ... and many other things ... yes, it is not that simple... but it is not that complicated ... if you have the right mindset ... if you know why you are here then you can survive ...

Ok , let me state it clearly... Son... here is the secret recipe so far ... I might change it in the future but for the time being this is what I have learnt and want to share with you ... "You will get the most out of this life if and only if you have a strong beliefs .."

The first and most important one is to believe in Allah .... then... you have to believe in yourself ... yes son ... you can do what no one can even imagine ... you can live with no limitations ... you can achieve whatever you want if and only if you believe in Allah then yourself  ... just remember that "you can" and Im sure that you can ...

Son ... sometimes you will feel sad, weak, imperfect and down ... all of us do ... however, what distinguishing successful people  is their ability to get over these feelings quickly (in few minutes ... no more) ... Remember ... perfection doesn't exist ... only Allah is perfect otherwise nothing is perfect ... but you still be happy with the imperfect situation ... yes you can ... simply by appreciating what you have ... say Al-Hamdulelah ... you can read these words but many other cant ... you can think and many others cant ... you have lots to be proud of and others dont ...  

This is it for today ... I wrote this letter in English not because Im not proud of my language but because more people can read it and might benefit from it ...

Love you,

Your father