الاثنين، 24 يناير 2011

Our hidden enemy

Many of us don't recognize that we have a hidden enemy that destroys our dreams, constraints us and prevents translating visions into success stories and guess who I am talking about?

It is you

Yes , many people put constraints for themselves, think that they cant do it or they cant achieve or accomplish what they aim at.

One of the common characteristics of many of the successful people in our world is confidence, they are motivated by challenges, they struggle to keep at the top and they have the tenacity to do so.

If you want to be like Steven Jobs or Bill Gates , you can if you believe in yourself.

This is the start and then you can plan for the future , you will be able to realistically understand you abilities and know how to achieve your goals.

What many people fail to do is to is to experience failure , if you don't fail you won't learn, you don't have to fail for the sake of failure but you have to challenge your self and learn from your experiences

the word "problem" from your dictionary and replace it with challenges, experience more challenges and try new things and you will be successful , just remember that successful people know how to plan and view the big picture before acting

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